Cognitive Science

Write to Escape Your Default Setting - kupajo

Writing acts as a powerful tool for structuring thoughts and expanding mental capacity beyond the limitations of our minds' default 'perpetual approximation mode'. The process of writing forces clarity, reveals blind spots, and helps uncover deeper understanding that mental rehearsal alone cannot achieve. By writing down recurring thoughts and questioning our beliefs, we can clear mental clutter and gain surprising insights about ourselves.

Try Thinking and Learning Without Working Memory - SharpBrains

Working memory, critical for conscious thought and everyday tasks, operates like a mental scratch pad with limited capacity that can affect decision-making quality. Research shows that while conscious thinking excels at simple decisions, unconscious thinking proves more effective for complex choices exceeding working memory capacity. Working memory can be improved through targeted training, potentially increasing IQ and cognitive performance.

Children’s arithmetic skills do not transfer between applied and academic mathematics - Nature

Research comparing arithmetic skills between Indian children working in markets and those attending school reveals a stark divide in mathematical abilities, with working children excelling at complex real-world calculations but struggling with basic academic math, while school children show the opposite pattern. Working children demonstrated superior mental arithmetic and problem-solving in market contexts, but only 32% could solve basic written division problems, highlighting a critical gap between practical and academic mathematics education.