A quarterly electronics and tools swap event is being launched at Berlin's c-base hacker space, focusing on right-to-repair and reuse principles. The event offers free seller spaces for trading electronics, computer equipment, and tools, with flexible payment options and minimal restrictions.
A detailed exploration of electricity fundamentals explains atomic structure, electron behavior, and electrical conduction mechanisms in metals and insulators. The article bridges the gap between basic analogies and academic complexity, making quantum mechanics concepts accessible to hobby electronics enthusiasts.
An exploration of image dithering techniques demonstrates how to convert color images to black-and-white using various algorithms, including a novel approach that balances between Atkinson and Floyd-Steinberg methods. The author developed this technique while building Guten, a custom newspaper printer that requires monochrome images, showcasing practical applications of dithering in modern technology.
The Floppotron 3.0 is an upgraded computer hardware orchestra featuring 512 floppy drives, 4 scanners, and 16 hard drives that creates music through controlled mechanical noise. Using custom electronics and MIDI protocols, various computer hardware components are coordinated to produce musical tones and percussion sounds, consuming up to 1.15kW of power at peak performance.