Electric Vehicles

BYD has already produced its first solid-state cells - electrive.com

BYD has produced its first solid-state battery cells on a pilot line in 2024, with mass demonstration expected around 2027 and large-scale production after 2030. The company is focusing on sulphide electrolytes for solid-state cells, aiming to achieve cost parity with current NCM cells at scale. BYD plans to use these batteries primarily in high-end models while maintaining LFP cells for other vehicle segments.

Are Electric Cars Really That Much Cheaper to Operate than ICE?

A comprehensive analysis reveals that EVs offer significant long-term savings despite higher upfront costs, with break-even points around 140,000-200,000 kilometers and 30% lower maintenance costs. Financial benefits depend heavily on individual driving patterns and charging habits, with home charging providing the most cost-effective solution.

Dust from Car Brakes More Harmful than Exhaust, Study Finds

New research reveals brake dust from car brake pads may be more harmful to human lung cells than diesel exhaust, with newer copper-containing pads being particularly dangerous. While some states limit copper in brake pads, this pollutant remains largely unregulated, though electric vehicles' regenerative braking could help reduce this type of pollution.