
Bifurcation: The secret giant islands formed when rivers split - Starkey Comics

A fascinating exploration of river bifurcations reveals how natural water splits create massive 'bifurcation islands' that challenge our understanding of traditional island geography. Notable examples include the Casiquiare Canal connecting the Amazon and Orinoco river systems, and the Committee's Punch Bowl in Canada which creates a bifurcation island larger than Greenland.

Topography Explorer

An interactive map interface allows users to visualize and explore various river catchments and regions in 3D, featuring major waterways like the Amazon, Ganges, and Nile. The tool enables topography generation and includes mapping data from MapLibre, Protomaps, and OpenStreetMap.

Obscure Islands I Find Interesting

A curated collection of unique islands worldwide showcases fascinating geographical, historical, and cultural peculiarities. Each island features distinct characteristics, from Pheasant Island's bi-annual country switch to the Diomede Islands' time zone quirks. The collection highlights remarkable stories of territorial disputes, historical significance, and natural phenomena.